Since I can do what I really enjoy for a living- draw and design, you likely think that I "have my cake and eat it, too".
Where'd that silly phrase come from, anyhow?
But, NO, I don't; it's more like living on a hard, wobbly see-saw;
Up- some work comes in
Down- the budget doesn't match the type of art they want. THUD!
Up- I get it done, anyways
Down- then they take forever to pay me. THUD!
Up- After a week or two of little work- it FLOODS in!
Down- Very little rest til it's all done- then the long wait to get paid. Thud!
Up- More work!
Down- Then computer problems and/or the occaisional crash. BIG THUD!
Up- almost finished with the design!
Down- the graphic program locks- I forgot to SAVE it. Have to start over again! Ka-THUD!
And that is just some of the wonderful little adventures I experience being a lone artist.
HOWEVER, one thing I absolutely LOVE about my work is the fact that I can do it
WHEREVER I long as I have the Net, baby!