Including custom art for all other industries, combining creativity and dedication with hand-drawn illustration together with computer graphic programs.
It begins with the concept; as I discuss your thoughts and ideas, many possibilities start forming in my imagination, and later, I begin sketching, e-mailing the ones I think most likely to be in line with what you are looking for.
When one is approved, I begin doing the Line art, sending you Progress Proofs enabling you to tell me of changes before going too far with the design. When approving the 'Final' Proof, small things, like additional text can often be added.
Upon being paid with PayPal, files too large to e-mail are transferred thru Dropbox, or any other method of choice. For over 30 years I have been a freelance artist working for printers, and business promotion services everywhere- including overseas.
"The World of Reality has its Limits, but the World of Imagination is Boundless!"